Photo batch management 2017
Photo batch management 2017

photo batch management 2017

National Capital Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli (Civil Service) Amendment Rules, 2015 Revised Draft Seniority List of DANIPS officers as on for the purpose of DPCsįinal Seniority List of DANICS officers as on for the purpose of DPCs Guidelines for transfer/posting of IAS/IPS officers of Joint AGMUT Cadre-2016 Promotion, Reliving, Extention, Appointment Orders of IAS & IPS Officers ofAGMUT Cadr eĪmendment in Guidelines for Transfer/Posting of IAS/IPS ofíicers of Joint AGMUT Cadre Transfer & Posting Orders of IAS & IPS Officers of AGMUT Cadre Promotion of SCS/SPS officers to the IAS/IPS of Joint AGMUT Cadre (UT Segment).

Photo batch management 2017 pdf#

Notifications - New Cadre strength of AGMUT Cadre of IPSĪGMUT Cadre IAS/IPS Civil List 2019 PDF Format.ĪGMUT Cadre IPS Civil List- 2019 PDF Format.Ĭommon Seniority List of DANICS and PCS Officers for Induction into IAS of AGMUT Cadre for Select List 2017. Important Developments and Initiatives taken by UT Division.

photo batch management 2017

There is a Standing Committee for the IDA under Dy.

  • For the island UTs of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep, there is Island Development Authority (IDA) under the Prime Minister.
  • Home Minister’s Advisory Committees (HMACs) are set up in the UTs without legislature to address general issues relating to the social and economic development of the UTs.
  • Administrator’s Advisory Councils are set up in the UTs Without a Legislatures to advice the Administrators on matters concerning the UT.
  • MHA particularly deals with Legislative matters, Finance and Budget and Services for the UTs.
  • Some matters pertaining to the UTs have been specifically allotted to other Ministries/Departments.
  • Under the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961, certain subjects pertaining to the UTs have been allocated to the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep are administered through IAS officers who are appointed as Administrators. The Governor of Punjab functions as the Administrator of the UT of Chandigarh and a senior IAS officer functions as Advisor to the Administrator.
  • The two UTs with Legislatures and the UT of Andaman and Nicobar Islands have Lt.
  • photo batch management 2017

    The Union territories are administered in accordance with the provisions of Article 239 to 241 of the Constitution of India.Lieutenant Governors of Union Territories and Administrators of Union Territories.Ĭhief Secretaries and Adviser to Administrator of Union Territories SR-NoĬhief Secretaries and Adviser To Administrators of Union Territories.

    photo batch management 2017

    Lieutenant Governors and Administrator of Union Territories SR-No LANIDS portal of Andaman & Nicobar Administration Remaining 5 UTs are without Legislatures.: SR-No Puducherry ,Jammu and Kashmir and NCT of Delhi are having Legislative Assemblies. There are Eight Union Territories, namely- SR-No Organizational Chart of UT Division SR-No

    Photo batch management 2017